Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gratitude Sunday

wild honeysuckle runs everywhere

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.} 

This week I am grateful for....

~Getting our chicken cooped moved for the winter, closer to the house, protected from the North winds and with extra sunlight. 
~Being able to let go of expectations, and just go with the flow.
~My oldest son turning 18.
~Our trip to the ER with J being quick and showing he had been able to swallow whatever it was he had in his mouth. (Turned out to be a nickle.)
~My mom just a phone call away.
~Getting a weeks worth of blogs ready and scheduled to be published.
~Following my heart and voting for whom I felt best.

~That everyone at the polls were friendly, and it was a positive atmosphere.

~Getting 3 eggs from ours girls. After their long break.(Not sure if it was day light savings time, or moving their coop)

~A new homemade soup- earthy, meat-free and so yummy! 
Veggie and Egg soup

~Watching B knit. She's picked it up so fast, she's a natural.

~Being able to hold my tongue, even when hurt.

~A "conversation" (via FB messaging) with a dear old friend, and seeing we're still on paths that are similar.

~Our wood burning stove keeping us warm all through the day.
~Sweet snuggles from the littlests.
~Finishing my scarf, and starting my 1st hat! Seeing the hat is going faster than I thought, though it might end up being for J. (it's a bit smaller that I thought.)
~Stocking treasures at a second hand store.
~No fighting between the kids.
~A warmer day with lots of sunshine.
A enjoying the warm sunshine coming in a window
~Sons that are becoming kind, helpful and polite. Even with each other.
~Warm sweaters and slippers.
~Showers alone.
~Getting some black walnut wood (from a downed tree) for dh to work with.
~Getting the whole house cleaned by 10am.
~Finding books, at the library, the kids are enjoying.
~An early bedtime. 

~Little A's impression of a jack-in-the-Box, when I come in to get her, when she wakes. All smiles and excitement.

the girls before their move

Gratitude Sunday


  1. :) wood burning stove is a biggy. and happy birthday to your son my oldest dd turned 18 this year. it is such a big thing. <3

  2. I really loved what you said about being able to let go of expectations and just go with the flow, I'm writing that one down to remind myself because that is something I need to do more often! annie @ montanasolarcreations

  3. Rachel,
    Beautiful list with many good things. :)
    That's exciting to knit your first hat.



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