Monday, August 27, 2012

Blogger Identitiy Crisis

First off I have to say I am SO happy to finally have a computer and internet in the house! I can really blog now. And on that subject, I'm having a bit of an identity crisis over this blog. I will be changing the look soon. I want it more personalized. But I have always struggled with what to write. Family stuff. Parenting stuff. Personal stuff. Opinion stuff. Special needs stuff. etc. etc. etc. I know this is my blog and I can do whatever I like but sometimes I just feel the need to stream line it some.

So what I've be thinking is.... I've been using this blog, for the past year, as more of a personal journal about my life as a person, not really a blog about the family as much, going off topic of what it used to be. In part this has to do with the isolation I've been experiencing here and also as a means to feel not as alone. I still need that but I also want to do more blogs. I have a more political blog where I rant and rave about MY opinion of what is wrong today in the world, it is a very liberal blog. But I also want to do a blog on my special needs kids, I'm just not there yet. I also want to get back to where I used to be in this blog- writing about life in a large family, living a not so mainstream life style and just in general lighter stuff. And I am going to do that but with a new blog. I need this blog as I have been writing it- a blog about my life, as a mother, a wife, a Pagan. Raw, honest, real. Maybe some think it's just a place for me to air my drama, look for sympathy, or vomit all over the internet. But for me its not. It's a place to let go, be free, and maybe speak to someone else who is in a similar boat. Share my experince, some strength and the (sometimes little) hope I find.

So look for an upcoming blog with links to my political blog and my new family centered blog. Thank you for reading my rantings, ravings, and putting up with my roller coaster ride through life. I know readers are important. Readers become friends.

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