Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

Spring has sprung. The days are growing longer, the bunnies, robins, and cardinals are out in full force, I've seen the first blooms of flower, the snow is gone, and we no longer need winter jackets, boots or layers. With Spring comes thoughts of what next- thinking of the garden I'd like to plant, long walks and taking up running, planning in general of how I'd like to see life go this year.

Once a upon a time I used to start things and see them through, but somewhere in life I lost that. Now I start and rarely finish. Time gets away from me and there's too much to do, it seems, and not enough time to do them. I'm not good with the daily routine- for example getting the kids to brush their teeth, I always remember after their in bed that it wasn't done. I have wonderful ideas on how to help me remember the little things- lists I'd like to write, reminders for myself, and post. But then I forget to make them. Or make them, use them and then life throws a curve ball and I get too busy again. This is why I don't make New Years resolutions, because I know I'll fail and then just feel guilty about it.

So I try and I continue to problem solve and make lists/reminders and do better.

At the moment I am currently reading 3 different books with one or two more waiting for me. I'm making felt food for C. I am trying to declutter our house- Spring cleaning. I keep wanting to go to a meeting I know of. I want to loose 50 lbs, start walking and eventually running. I think about the possibilities of life. Spring inspires me. Renews me. But it doesn't bring with it the self discipline I need. How do I find that? I can only change me, I know that in my head and heart but again I lack the self discipline to see it through. I do need someone to help keep me accountable.

Spring helps me to dream. Now I need to bring it into life.

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